Tensegrity in ues in manual medicine
22/03/16 17:58
The article Tensegrity and manual therapy practice: A qualitative study by David J. Hohenschurz-Schmidt, MOst (Hons) HP,,Dr Jorge E. Esteves, PhD MA BSc (Ost) DO PG Dip Ed FRSM, and Dr Oliver P. Thomson, PhD MSc BSc (Hons) DO in the recent issue of the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine reports that the concept of tensegrity "may be useful to the practice of manual therapy," and "may serve as a theoretical underpinning of previously conceived clinical models and subjective clinical experience, and may also inform clinical decision-making processes by providing a biomechanical model of the human body."
Several Osteopathy books point to tensegrity as a way of understanding how forces are managed and manifest in the body, and here in the US it's becoming part of the test for some medical practitioners, but this study shows that ,whether it's being officially taught or not, it's certainly being used.